QuickBooks is a versatile tool that can remarkably manage your finance. This is a gift to all the businesses as it is the one-stop solution for all your financial data. It has many features that can bring information just on a click. It makes the life of many business owners easy. What we must not forget is, it is a technology tool that is prone to errors as well. But the good news is, all the QuickBooks errors can be solved easily. Let us take a look at the common errors and also see the way to overcome it.
The basic QuickBooks Error and their types are given below
1. QuickBooks Desktop Errors
2. QuickBooks Enterprise Errors
3. QuickBooks Payroll Errors
4. QuickBooks POS Errors
Every error has a QuickBooks Error Code and one must know these error codes to work on them.
QB Unrecoverable Error
This is a common error that we find in desktops while using QB. There are many reasons for this error to happen. If an update of QB is missing or if the QB is not properly installed or it may also cause due to some system issues. The common QuickBooks Error Code is
i. 000014775
ii. 000015204
iii. 00227 550088
iv. 00551 46274
v. 02457 79428
vi. 13730 84631
The desktop error of this kind can be solved using the following methods
a. You can open the sample file to solve this problem or
b. Suppressing the QB desktop
c. Troubleshoot the QB desktop application
d. Create a new Windows administrator
e. Also, identify how many users are affected
This type of QuickBooks Error can happen because of many reasons. It can be a functional error, It also happens because of the configuration. A few errors of this type are server related too. As usual, there are data-related issues that may also cause this type of error.
A few QuickBooks Error Code that you may come across while working on intuit Enterprise is
i. QuickBooks Error H202 and H505
This is an error caused when one computer attempts to fetch the file from another computer.
To solve this
a. The computer which shows the error must have an additional installation set up
b. At times, the security feature in the file stored computer must have an additional configuration for seamless access by many other computers.
ii. Error 3371
When the license data is damaged you will find this error. Additionally, QuickBooks Error Code 3371 indicates the company file is damaged or corrupt. When you try to clone data to a local drive this error is prone to occur.
iii. Error 15215
This error is completely on the configuration side. If the Microsoft Internet Explorer is not appropriately configured, you will find this QuickBooks Error Code. This means to say, the data when downloaded verifies all the digital signature for security reasons. If QB is unable to accomplish this task, you will find this error popping up.
iv. Error 80029c4a
This is an error if the installation of QB is not done properly. The computer might identify QB as a virus and pops as an error. It is suggested to uncheck all the options for firewall or anti-virus to have seamless operations.
How to Identify that it is an Enterprise Error
It is good to identify the error through QuickBooks Error Code, however, it is prudent enough to understand when the system shows some signs of error. A few are
1. There might be a possibility where your system shall freeze for a few seconds to minutes
2. You will see many codes being displayed on the screen
3. An error message shall pop up causing the current program to crash immediately.
4. The system may crash while running the same program
5. The keyboard movement shall get delayed
6. You will not be able to synch QB with the bank
While we encounter such errors it is intelligent enough to put an end by troubleshooting it concerning the QuickBooks Error Code.
This is a type of QuickBooks Error that can show up when
a. You are updating the tax table
b. You are updating the payroll
c. You are trying to pay a salary to your employees
The first error that we may find in this category is
i. Payroll Service error
This is a common error that you may come across. It happens when
a. Transferring the payroll data
b. Transferring paychecks
It may also be caused due to an invalid security certificate too. At times issues with the internet also cause this error. At the same time, when we transact using multi-user mode, you are prone to see this error.
ii. Payroll Error PS058
This error is caused because of some hardware or software problems while downloading an update to the already installed application. If the download is failed for some reason the QuickBooks Error appears. But this is a common problem and can be easily overcome with minor changes in the software.
iii. Payroll 30159
This error is caused due to various reasons. Mostly connected to the PC, however, they occur because of
a. Of incomplete installation of the required update to the QB application
b. Of a particular program being deleted or not available
c. Of any corrupt Virus
d. Of any windows system file damage
This QuickBooks Error type must be quickly addressed or else it may aggravate to different other problems to the applications.
iv. Payroll Error 15106
This error indicates that the updated program is completely damaged. If there is the root of antivirus present in the system, it can also cause the same error.
When the POS stops working in the QB, this QuickBooks Error occurs. It has different reasons and different codes to understand what sort of error it is.
i. POS Financial Exchange Error
This is a major problem when the software fails to synchronize. The financial exchange data must be mapped correctly and it requires the software synch well. It is done to track financial data. If the software does not comply with QB, you will find this error popping. This affects the overall functionality of the tool.
When the log file creates a problem for the system, you will find this error. This requires the log file to be reinstalled.
If there is any problem in mapping and synchronizing accounts, this is the error that pops up.
ii. 3180
This is an operational error. When a sales item is not mapped to any vendor you may confront this QuickBooks Error.
If the sales tax payable account is reflecting as the target account for one or two receipts, you will find this error.
When there is an inappropriate mapping of a payable account, this error occurs.
iii. Error 1328
This is an update error. This error is caused due to the wrong license number. That means to say, the license number of the updated software is different from the existing one. This QuickBooks Error is not only common but easy to resolve too.
Of course, it requires a person to work on the registered tool account to invoke the data.
The errors that we saw right now are common ones. As can be seen, most of the errors are on the update side. That means to say, the QB software is not installed in systems which have minimum system requirement. It is always advised to follow the system specifications and install the QB software.
More importantly, QB is required to do some confidential transactions too. Such transactions if happens in the multi-user mode it might cause errors too. The most troublesome of all is the Antivirus. The webroot of the anti-virus causes a lot of trouble for the QB software. It must be eradicated while installation itself. While the QuickBooks Error being common, resolving also does not take too much of time. It all requires good system knowledge. Your company’s system administrator must be of greater support at this juncture.
At the same time, using a perfect system for financial transactions is highly recommended. As the system errors must not spoil your business. QuickBooks Error must be eradicated as and when you confront them. You must have a seamless service of QB all the time. After all, it is the lifeline for your business. Three things to be kept in mind while confronting any QuickBooks Error.
1. Understanding the Error Code: This becomes basic. You must know what the error code means. If it is a system-oriented error, please do not trouble yourself calling QB customer care. Of course, we are available to help you. But a system administrator must be the correct choice.
2. Know that it can be solved easily: No QuickBooks Error is unresolvable. All the errors can be resolved with relative ease.
3. Don’t worry: As everything is under control, there is no need to worry. We are always available to support you.